Paul Shuttleworth

The 'digital native' test case
In 2024 I called out age discrimination by challenging the thinking behind the term 'digital native' as a selection criterion in job adverts. Because the phrase means people born after 1980, I began asking employers to consider if this was age discrimination. As someone who wasn't in this age group I felt excluded.
Surprisingly, the worst offender was the UK Government and I decided it was in the public interest to put myself forward to be a 'test case'.
In 2025, I will be attending hearings in relation to this claim. I am not available for interview or comment until the legal process is complete.
What the dictionaries say
From the Oxford English Dictionary to wikipedia, I have found over 20 sources that agree a digital native means someone that grew up in the digital age, usually defined as 1980 onwards. If you see an employer looking for a 'digital native' they are looking for a certain age group.
What the Equality Act says
You must not be discriminated against because you are (or are not) a certain age or in a certain group.

What does 'digital native' mean and why is it a problem?
Change I made in 2024.
If you don't like something. Don't moan about it. Change it.
These are the changes I achieved in 2024 during my campaign to stop the use of the term 'digital native' in job adverts.
My campaign continues in 2025 via an Employment Tribunal Claim.